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prof.Abdelhamid Fouda |
1- If it weren't for you لولاك أو لولا تدخلك .
Ex: If it weren't for, he'd be still alive.
2- know for certain . يعلم علم اليقين
Ex: Until we know for certain,I suspect everyone.
3- As a matter of fact . في حقيقة الأمر
Ex: Well,as a matter of fact,I am a little tired.
4- Get word to . يرسل خبرا الى
Ex: We had no way to get word to you.
5)- without a second thought
دون ادني تفكير
Ex : He could kill you without a second thought.
6)- What of it ? وماذا في ذلك ؟
Ex: A) I hear you've been having a little trouble at the office .--What of it ?
7)- Stay out of this يبقي خارج الموضوع
Ex : I'd rather stay out of this.
8)- If that's what it took إذا تطلب الأمر ذلك
Ex:I swore that I would stop if that's what it took.
9)- Let you down. أخذلك أو أخيب ظنك
.Ex: I just couldn't let you down .
10)- Call upon يناشد
Ex: We call upon all states to respect their commitments.
11)- Hand it يعترف أو يقر
Ex: Well,I have to hand it to you.
12)- That's it . هذا كل ما في الأمر
Ex: A) He wants to stay here . B) That's it ?
13)- For good . نهائيا
Ex: We would have to close shop for good.
14)- What's the point ? ما الفائدة
Ex: What's the point if you don't trust me ?
15)- On behalf of . نيابة عن
Ex: He spoke on behalf of his colleagues.
16)- Nothing like . لا شيء يضاهي
Ex: Nothing like a scary movie in the wilderness.
17)- That's not me . هذه ليست شخصيتي
Ex: You know well that's not me .
18)- Not counting . ناهيك عن أو باستثناء
Ex: Who was your first kill, not counting old men?
19)- Spit it out أفصح عما بداخلك أو قل ما عندك
Ex: Come on, spit it out , who told you about this ?
20)- No matter the odds .
مهما كانت الظروف أو الاحتمالات
Ex: I will never stop fighting for my home,no matter the odds .
21)- Set you up . أرتب لك لقاء
Ex: I could set you up with someone nice from my work.
22)- Out of nowhere فجأة أو من حيث لا ادري
Ex: It hit me out of nowhere.
23)- Get along . يتفق أو ينسجم
Ex: He doesn't get along with his sister .
24)- In advance مقدماً او مسبقاً
Ex: please inform us in advance. * Thanks 😊 in advance.
25)- I see your point. أتفهم وجهة نظرك
Ex:I see your point. I'm all right with it .
26)- To each his own
لكل ما يحبه أو لكل طريقته الخاصة
Ex:I'd never pick that color,but to each his own.
27)- Call in sick .
يأخذ أجازة مرضية أو يتصل بحجة المرض
Ex:I have to call in sick today.
28)- I'm sick of . لقد سئمت من
Ex: I'm sick of lying and covering .
29)- For God's sake بالله عليك
Ex:For God's sake,do as we say.
30)- Big deal أمر جلل أو أمر مهم
Ex:I had no idea it was a big deal to you .
31)- Put yourself in my shoes
ضع نفسك مكاني
Ex: I didn't intend to hurt you,but put yourself in my shoes.
32)- living beyond your means.
تعيش فوق إمكانياتك المتاحة
Ex: Why are you living beyond your means ?
33)- Pick your brain أستشيرك
Ex: Can I pick your brain about something ?
34)- Keep me posted. أعلمني بالمستجدات
Ex: Keep me posted if anything changes, alright?
35)- I can't keep up . لا أستطيع الاستمرار
Ex: I can't keep up with her . - Stop! I can't keep up .
36)- Stay in touch . يبقى على اتصال
Ex: I'm sorry I didn't stay in touch after the trial.
37)- Put on the spot. يضع في موقف حرج
Ex: Don't Put me on the spot like that.
38)- It's out of my hands
الأمر خارج عن سيطرتي
Ex: I'd like to help you,but it's out of my hands.
39)- play dumb
يلعب دور المغفل أو يتظاهر بالجهل
Ex: Don't play dumb with me.
40)- You have my word أوعدك
Ex: You have my word, I'll take care of him.
41)- Kill the mood . يعكر صفوك أو مزاجك
Ex: I don't want to kill the mood,but you should know.
42)- Play both sides. يخدع الطرفين
Ex: You can't play both sides forever .
43)- Let's get down to business لنركز في العمل
Ex: Enough small talk . Let's get down to business.
44)- In the heat of the moment
في لحظة غضب
Ex: Those words were spoken in the heat of the moment.
45)- Out of line تجاوز الحدود
Ex: Forgive me if I was out of line, I was upset .
46)- Let the cat out of the bag
يفشي سرا بدون قصد أو يزل لسانه
Ex: We'd planned a surprise party for my mother,but some guy let the.....
47)- Keep them on their toes .
اجعلهم على استعداد دائم
Ex: With a test every week,she keeps her students on their toes.
48)- Out of question.
أمر مرفوض أو غير قابل للنقاش
Ex: I don't have enough money,buying a new car is out of question.
49)- Like pulling teeth شديد الصعوبة
Ex: Getting the facts can be like pulling teeth .
50)- Push back the (appointment, surgery, meeting) يؤجل
Ex: Is there any way to push back the surgery a few hours ?
51)- Let bygones be bygones
دعنا ننسى الماضي أو اترك الماضي للماضي
Ex: Can't we let begones be bygones and finally work together ?
52)- If worst comes to worst . حينما تسوء الأمور
Ex: If worst comes to worst,you can come and live with me .
53)- Give or take قد يزيد أو ينقص
Ex: There are 25 students in my class,give or take .
54)- Easy come,easy go
ما يأتي بسهولة يذهب بسهولة
Ex: My attitude to money easy come, easy go .
55)- Named after سمي تيمناً
Ex: I was named after my grandfather.
56)- Up for grabs . لقمة سائغة أو متاحة للجميع
Ex: Did you hear that the position of the manager is up for grabs ?
57)-Beat around the bush
يحوم حول الموضوع
Ex: Don't beat around the bush,get right to it .
58)- Serve you right تنال ما تستحق
Ex: It would serve you right if you lost your money .
59)- It goes without saying غني عن البيان
Ex: It goes without saying that she is in love with Joan.
60)- Every now and then بين حين وآخر
Ex: Every now and then, I like to expand my horizons .
61)- Go dutch يدفع كل واحد منا حسابه
Ex: You don't have to treat me to dinner , let's go dutch .
62)- Behind my back
من وراء ظهري أو بدون علمي
Ex: You went behind my back to spite me .
63)- make yourself at home.
البيت بيتك أو خذ راحتك
Ex: Please sit down and make yourself at home.
64)- A little bird told me .
سمعت أو عصفور أخبرني
Ex: A little bird told me about the other business you're into.
65)- In the same boat في نفس الموقف السيء
Ex: We're all in the same boat today.
66)- Kill two birds with one stone
يحقق شيئين في وقت واحد
Ex: Kill two.....that way and take advantage in the end .
67)- None of your business
ليس من شأنك أن تعرف
My texts are none of your business. 😒
68)- Keep in mind. ضع في اعتبارك
Ex: As you read,keep in mind that texts have been edited.
69)-Wash my hands أخلي مسئوليتي
Ex: I'm washing my hands of the whole matter .
70)- Stab me in the back .
يطعن من الخلف أو يخون
Ex: And now when I need you, you stab me in the back"
71)- Keep an eye on اجعل عينك على أو راقب
Ex: Call for help, I'll keep an eye on things here .
72)- Give him a taste of his own medicine
أذيقه شر أعماله
He's always late so this time I'm going to give him a taste of his own medicine.
73)- Give the benefit of the doubt
يحسن الظن
Ex: He said he was late because his train was cancelled,and we gave him the benefit of the doubt.
74)- Stick to your guns تمسك برأيك أو بموقفك
Ex:You have to stick your guns no matter what anyone else says .
74)- Steal my thunder يسرق الاضواء
Ex: She stole my thunder when she announced her pregnancy at my wedding.
75)-To show his true colors
يظهر معدنه الحقيق
Ex: It's only in times of crisis that your friends will really show their true colors.
76)- Hit the nail on the head
أصبت كبد الحقيقة
Ex:You've hit the nail on the head,that's the route we should have taken!
78)- Hold your horses
اكبح جماح نفسك أو تريث
Ex: Hold your horses when you're coming to judge people.
79)- Sit on the fence. متردد أو محايد
Ex:You always sit on the fence, that's why nobody asks your opinion anymore.
80)- Actions speak louder than words
العبرة بالأعمال أو الأعمال أبلغ من الأقوال
Ex:The president made a lot of promises today,but actions speak louder than words.
81)- A blessing in disguise
نعمة متخفية أو رب ضارة نافعة
Ex: losing that job was a blessing in disguise .
82)- Get a life . عش حياتك
Ex: You need to get some friends,get a life.
83)- You're about to انت على وشك
Ex: You're about to lose something very precious.
84)- Against the clock
في صراع مع الوقت أو بأسرع ما يمكن
The team was working against the clock to finish the project on time.
85)- Clean your act up
يحسن من سلوكه
We were told to clean our act up or move out .
86)- It rings a bell
هذا يذكرني بشيء أو يبدو مألوفاً
That name rings a bell,but I cannot recall where I have heard it before .
87)- Up and about
(معافى( بعد مرض
It's good to see you up and about.
88)- Read between the lines
يفهم المعنى الحقيقي أو الخفي
Don't believe everything you read literally. Learn to read between the lines.
89)- It never crossed my mind
لم يخطر ببالي ذلك ابدا
It had never crossed my mind that there might be a problem.
90)- It's written all over your face
الأمر ظاهر في ملامح وجهك
You're feeling guilty, aren't you? It's written all over your face.
91)- Caught my eye لفت انتباهي أو نال اعجابي
One of the books on the top shelf cought my eye .
92)- The lion's share نصيب الأسد أو الجزء الأكبر
The elder son took the lion's share of the family wealth.
93)- A dime A dozen
وفير و رخيص أو سهل الحصول عليه
People who can write good books aren't a dime a dozen.Romantic movies are .....
94)- From all walks of life
من جميع مناحي الحياة
People from all walks of life are studying English nowadays.
95)- In the long run على المدى البعيد
I know all this is hard work now,but in the long run it will save us time and money.
96)- Wolf in sheep's clothing
عدو متنكر كصديق أو يتظاهر بالمساعدة
Don't trust him,he's a wolf in sheep's clothing who will try to steal your position.
97)- Put your cards on the table
يلعب على المكشوف أو يتحدث بصدق
It's time I put my cards on the table, I can't afford the price you're asking.
98)- Needle in a haystack
إبرة في كوم قش أو شيء يستحيل اكتشافه
You'd like to find evidence in this case? it's like to find a needle in a haystack.
99)- Jump the gun
يفعل الشيء قبل أوانه أو يسبق الاحداث
We must be very careful not to jump the gun here.
100)- At long last. بعد طول انتظار
At long last, I've found something I'm willing to die for.
101)- Like a broken record
يعيد ما يقوله مرارا مثل أسطوانة مكسورة
He's always complaining about the way she treats him, he sounds like a broken record .
102)- The in thing أحدث الصيحات
Wearing knee-high socks is the in thing now.
103)- All bark and no bite .
يتكلم أو يهدد كثيرا ولا يفعل شيئا
He talks big about how much money he'll make someday,but he's all bark and no bite.
104)- Build castles in the air
خطط لا يمكن أن تحقق (احلام يقظة)
Don't build castles in the air and find work to earn money.
105)- Curiousity killed the cat الفضول قد يقود للضرر
I think you'll offend her by asking such personal questions, curiousity killed the cat .
106)- Bark up the wrong tree
يختار المسار أو الشخص الخاطيء
She thinks it'll solve the problem,but I think she's barking up the wrong tree
107) Weigh your options. فكر مليا في خياراتك
I think you need to weigh all your options and let your conscience decide
108)- Like two peas in a pod.
شخصين متشابهين في الشخصية والمظهر
Those kids have the same sense of humor, they're truly like two.......
109) Add insult to injury يزيد الطين بلة
I was already late for work and to add insult to injury, I spilt coffee all over myself.
110) Let sleeping dogs lie
لا تثر المشاكل الخاملة
We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not take them to court
111)- A matter of life and death. مسألة حياة أو موت
The issue we are discussing today is a matter of life and death.
112)- Never in a million years
(وبعد مليون سنة (مستحيل
Never in a million years did I think that I would actually win the lottery!
113)- Go (or do) by the book
يسير وفق القوانين أو حسب ما خطط له
This is a private deal . We don't have to do everything by the book.
114)- Jump at the opportunity يغتنم الفرصة
When our manager said he was leaving the company, I jumped at the opportunity to fill the job
115)- Save for a rainy day يدخر لأيام الحاجة
I save a portion of my wages each month for a rainy day.
116)- Money burns a hole in his pocket
حريص على إنفاق المال المتاح
If Money burns a hole in your pocket,you never have any for emergencies.
117)- Have someone's blood on your hands مسؤول عن وفاة شخص
I want him to know he has my son's blood on his hands and I'll revenge.
118)- Big fish in a small pond
شخص مهم في مكان محدود
He has the talent to be in upper management,but he prefers to be a big .....
119)- Full of himself. مزهو أو فخور بنفسه
He's unpopular because he's full of himself,he doesn't care about other people's feelings.
120)- As time goes by. مع مرور الوقت
As time goes by, you get more and more beautiful.
121)- Or so أو نحو ذلك
How many people came to the party ?_Thirty or so.
122) A penny for your thoughts
ماذا يدور ببالك
A penny for your thoughts,Marry! you haven't said anything all evening!
123)- Long time no see لم أرك منذ فترة طويلة
Long time no see, have you been well ?
124)- Lighten up هون عليك
Lighten up. you didn't do anything wrong .
125)- A leopard can't change its spots
المرء لا يستطيع أن يغير طبيعته أو شخصيته
After our breakup, he came crawling back, trying to convince me that he'd changed, but I know that a leopard can't change its spots.
126)- Swallow his pride يتخلى عن كرامته
I had to swallow my pride and admit that I was wrong .
127)- Bury your head in the sand
يتجاهل المشكلة أو يتجنب مواجهة الحقائق
Stop burying your head in the sand. Look at the statistics on cancer.
128)- Don't cry over spilt milk
لا تندم على شيء حدث لا يمكن إصلاحه
I failed the exam,but it's no use crying over spilt milk . I'll try it again .
129)- Sooner or later عاجلاً أم آجلاً
I guess she'll figure it out sooner or later.
130)- From now on من الآن فصاعداً
From now on every student must switch off their phones before coming to my class
131)- No more,no less لا أكثر ولا أقل
Sir, I did what you asked no more,no less.
132) Make sense منطقي أو معقول
It makes sense to buy a house now because prices will certainly go up soon .
133)- I owe you one أدين لك بمعروف
I owe you one cause you saved my life tonight.
134)- Pick up the pieces
يعود لطبيعته بعد صدمة
When her parents died,she had to pick up the pieces and care for the children.
135)- I'm not at liberty to
لا يخول لي أو ليس لي الحرية
I know you're curious about the case,but I'm not at liberty to talk about it.
136)- Clear the air
يوضح الأمور أو يزيل الشك و سوء الفهم
Let's discuss this frankly . It'll be better if we clear the air.
137)- Don't count chickens before they hatch
لا تبن خططا مستقبلية لأشياء لم تحدث
Before committing to make the payment,wait till you receive the money.Don't count..
138)- Get off your high horse توقف عن الغرور
Get off your high horse and stop acting like you know more than all of us.
139)- Be born yesterday ساذج أو عديم الخبرة
Do you think I was born yesterday?This car isn't worth half what you're asking.
140)- Who do you think you are? من تظن نفسك؟
Just a minute!who do you think you are? You can't talk to me that way!
2)- I've lost my touch
فقد قدرته على فعل الشيء بمهارة
He was once a great player,but with age,he lost his touch.
3)- I Wear my heart on my sleeve
يعلن صراحة عن مشاعره
I wear...and I make no apologies for that.I loved her more than anything else.
141)- What goes around,comes around
كما تدين تدان
Treat others as you wish to be treated.What goes around,cames around.
142)- Meet someone halfway يصل لحل وسط
I'll agree to some of your requests if you'll meet me halfway.
143)- Make it up to you أعوضك
I'm so sorry,I will do what I can to make it up to you .
145)- Open a can of worms
فعل سيتسبب في العديد من المشاكل
I didn't want to open a can of worms at the bar that's why I didn't fight.
146)- Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
لا تنتقد الهدية أو لا تنكر الجميل بعد قبولها
He gave his old car as a gift,I know it's not a great one,but I wouldn't look....
147) It takes two to tango
الأمر يتطلب اثنان يستحيل واحد بمفرده
I cannot do this all alone, neither can you. It takes two to tango.
148)- Yes man
شخص يؤيد الشريك أو الرئيس بلا نقد
He is just a yes man ,he will only say what the boss wants to hear.
149)- Glad to see the back of him
سعيد لمغادرته أو إنهاء التعامل معه
After my boss made my life difficult for ten years,he left the company,I was glad...
150) Split hairs
(مماحكة) يجادل في تفاصيل وفروق تافهة
Don't waste time splitting hairs , accept it the way it is.
151)- Play it by ear
يرتجل أو يتصرف بدون تخطيط
If we go into the meeting unprepared, we'll have to play everything by ear.
152)- Back to square one
يعيد الكرة أو يرجع إلى نقطة البداية
If this project doesn't get approved this time, It's back to square one.
153)- Behind the times
(دقة قديمة) من الطراز القديم
My mom refuses to email me,she still mails me letters, she's so.....
154)- On me this time على حسابي هذه المرة
Let's split the check. --No, It's on me this time.
155)- Finger lickin' good
(ستأكل أصابعك) لذيذ جداً
Mom's pasta was so finger lickin' good that I had three bowls of it.
156)- I have a lot on my plate لدي الكثير من الاعمال
Sorry,I can't go with you. I have a lot on my plate
157)- Fight fire with fire
استخدم نفس أساليب خصمك
It's time to fight....and start a nasty rumor about her,like she did to you.
158)- Speak your mind
يعبر عن آرائه ومشاعره بشكل صريح
People don't always like when you speak your mind.
159)- Eager beaver شخص شديد الاجتهاد
Don't worry about all of the extra work ,June is such an eager beaver.
160)- Eat your words يتراجع عما قاله
Be careful what you say. You may have to eat your words.
161)- Eye candy جذاب
Jenny is eye candy to the boys. They all love her.
162)- Young at heart.
(شاب القلب (يتصرف ويفكر كالشباب
Grandpa is 70,but he's still young at heart, he thirsts for adventure.
163)- Cut corners يقتصد المال أو يقلل النفقات
I lost my job, I need to cut corners,
164)- By the day يوما بعد يوم أو بمرور الوقت
The enemy's army grows larger by the day.
165)- I have faith in you أثق بك
I have faith in you. I know you will try your best.
166)- Count me in احسبني أو أشركني معك
We're all going for coffee on Thursday.Do you want to come?_Count me in.
167)- Hang in there اصبر ولا تستسلم
I know you have gone through a lot of difficulties,but hang in there.
168)- So far so good حتى الآن الأمور جيدة
How's the project going ?_So far so good.
169)- Ins and outs. التفاصيل الدقيقة
He made a stupid mistake because he doesn't know the ins and outs of this business.
170)every cloud has a silver lining
مع العسر يسرا
I know that your job is not going well and you're stressed out,but every......
171)- Here today,gone tomorrow
لاشيء يدوم فما وجد الآن لن تجده غدا
Faith,sir,we are here today, and gone tomorrow.
172)- A storm in a teacup
رد فعل شديد بشأن مسألة تافهة
They had a huge fight over the broken glass,it was a storm in a teacup.
173)-Between the devil and the deep blue sea بين خيارين كلاهما مر
I'm caught between...,if I support my daughter,my partner will be hurt.
174)- Every cloud has a silver lining
إن مع العسر يسرا
I know that your job is not going well and you're stressed out,but every......
175)- Once in a blue moon
نادراً أو مرة كل حين
I think my grandson doesn't love me anymore,he comes to see me once......
176)- Give him the cold shoulder
يتجاهل شخص أو لا يعير انتباه
She thinks you started that rumor about her that's why she's giving you.....
177)- The middle of nowhere مكان بعيد للغاية
His car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
178)- There's no point in لا فائدة من
we have lost the championship, but there's no point in crying over spilt milk,we have to train harder.
179)- You brought this on yourself
هذا ما جنيته لنفسك
I'm not sympathetic because he brought this on himself by mismanaging his money.
180)- Miss the boat يفوته الاستفادة من فرصة
He missed the boat when he didn't apply for the job in time.
181)- Don't get me wrong لا تسيء فهمي
Don't get me wrong, I'm here to help.
182)- Leave no stone unturned
يبذل كل جهد أو يبحث في كل مكان
The doctor said he will leave no stone unturned to find a cure for his illness.
184)- Time will tell سنعرف مع الوقت
Only time will tell how much I love you.
185)- Face the music
واجه عواقب أفعالك السيئة
Afer failing his test,he had to face the music and tell his mother the truth.
186)- See eye to eye يتفق في الرأي
Though they work as a team,they often don't see eye to eye on most issues.
187)- A far cry from
يختلف كثيرا أو يبعيد كل البعد
Living in New York city is certainly a far cry from living in the countryside.
188)- Hear through the grapevine
إشاعة) يسمع أخبار من شخص سمعها من شخص آخر)
I heard through the grapevine that she's pregnant,but I don't know anything more.
189)- Method in the madness
هدف وراء السلوك الغريب لشخص
I know you don't understand my motivation for this decision، but later you'll see that There is a ....
190)- Not a spark of decency
شخص ليس لديه اخلاق
Her brother has not a spark...I don't like the way he acts in public.
191)- Reap the harvest
يعاني أو يستفيد نتيجة الأفعال الماضية
Whatever decisions you'll make be ready to reap the harvest.
192)- Skating on thin ice
القيام بفعل محفوف بالمخاطر
Going into a business without carrying out proper studies ends up skating.....
193)- Take with a grain of salt
لا يأخد الشيء بمحمل من الجد أو يقبله مع بعض التحفظات
Before elections,all parties make a lot of promises . They are best taken with a grain of salt
194)- Don't take it to heart
لا تنزعج لا تاخذ الأمر بجدية
Don't take it to heart . He was only joking about your hair
195)- No room for doubt لا مجال للشك
The study is conclusive and leaves no room for doubt.
196)- It's a no-brainer الأمر لا يحتاج إلى تفكير
Did you accept the job offer from ABC? Yes, they offered me a high salary so It was a ..
197)- Save your breath
لا فائدة من التحدث إلى شخص (وفر كلامك)
There's no point arguing with him as he wouldn't accept his mistake. It's better to..
198)- Break the ice
يمهد الحديث لتخفيف التوتر
It's hard to break the ice at formal events* A nice smile does a lot to....
199)- On the tip of my tongue
على وشك أن أتذكر(على طرف لساني)
Her name is on the tip of my tongue.Just give me a minute, I'll remember it.
200)- Now or never
الآن وإلا فلن تكون هناك فرصة أخرى
This is your only chance to do it . It's now or never
201)- Spill the beans يفشي سرا
Don't spill the beans. It's supposed to be a secret .
202)- Wish me well
اتمن لي التوفيق والنجاح
On behalf of everyone🙏 here , I wish you well.
203)- Bend the truth يحرف أو يزور الحقائق
Politicians often bend the truth to make themselves look better .
204)- Line your pockets
يكسب المال بطريقة غير مشروعة
He used his position of power to line his pockets.
205)- For the time being في الوقت الحالي
We plan to buy a house,but for the time being we're living with my parents.
206)-Jump to conclusions
يتخد قرار أو حكم دون وجود أدلة كافية
Will you stop jumping...?You should get all the facts before you make any decisions.
207)- Know inside out
على دراية تامة بشئ أو بشخص ما
If you got the answer from Jon,I would trust it.He knows that stuff inside out.
208)- Out of luck
لم يحالفه الحظ أو سيء الحظ في موقف معين
Sally liked the dress,but she was out of luck.They didn't have her size.
prof.Abdelhamid Fouda
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