

 Prof Abdelhamid Fouda 



Soliloquy is a device use in drama in which a character speaks to himself or herself (thinking loud) by showing his feelings or thoughts to audience.


Lyric is a short poem in which poet’s own feelings and emotions are expressed normally having musical quality to sing.


A rhyming couplet written in iambic pentameter and it is traditionally used in epic and narrative poetry.


Neo-classicism is a eighteenth century western movement of art, literature and architecture. They got inspiration from ancient Greece and ancient Rome.


Mock-epic is a poem in which satire, exaggeration, irony and sarcasm is used to mock the subject or used the epic style for the trivial subject etc.


A complex plot according to Aristotle is that have ‘peripeteia’ (reversal) and ‘anagnorisis’ (denouement) without these is a simple plot.


Novella is a narrative fictional work longer than story and shorter than novel.


Interior monologue is the expression of internal thought, feelings and emotions of a character in dramatic or narrative form.


Blank verse is a form of poetry that is written in iambic pentameter but un-rhymed.


“Art for Arts’ sake” is nineteenth century literary movement which gives importance to aesthetic pleasure instead of moral, didactic or utilitarian function of literature.


Epistolary novel is a narrated work. In this type of novel the story is narrated through letters sent by the observer or by those who participating in the events. Example: 18th century’s novel ‘Richardson’s Pamela and Clarissa etc.


Difference between novel and novella is length of the narrative work. Novella is shorter than novel and longer than short story but novel is long narrated work.


Sonnet is a fourteen line poetry written in iambic pentameter having some rhyming scheme. Shakespearian sonnet consists of three quatrains and final couplet with rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg.


Close form poetry used the fix pattern of stanza, rhyme and meter etc. For example: sonnet, limerick, haiku and sestina etc. Open form poetry does not use these fix patterns.

What is the structure of Spenserian stanza?

Spenserian stanza consist of nine lines, eight lines are in iambic pentameter and followed by single line in iambic hexameter. The last line is called Alexandrine.


‘Blank verse’ follows the fix meter like iambic pentameter and un-rhymed but ‘Free verse’ is also un-rhymed and does not follow the fix meter.


Pastoral elegy is a poem about death. In this poem poet expresses his grief for the dead in rural setting or about the shepherds.


Plot is a logical arrangement of events in a story or play. The exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution are the elements of plot.


Conflict is a problem or struggle in a story or play. It occurs in rising action, climax and falling action. It creates suspense and excitement in the story or play.


Term catharsis used by Aristotle in the definition of tragedy. It is the release of emotions of pity and fear.


Black comedy is a humorous work in which human suffering regards as absurd and funny.


Comedy of manners is a humorous work in which the manners of society or class satirized. For example: “The importance of being Ernest” by Oscar Wilde.....


A round character is a complex and dynamic. In this character improvement and change occurs during the course of work but flat character are uncomplicated and remains unchanged through the course of work.


Oxford movement started in 1833 and for the revival of Catholic doctrine in Anglican Church. It was against the conventional understanding of the religion.


Puritanism was the religious movement started in sixteen century and the goal of the movement was to purify the church of England from its Catholic practices.


Imagism is a movement of Anglo-American poets started in early nineteenth century in which they emphasize the use of clear images and simple and sharp language.


Stream of Consciousness is a technique of narration in which the series of thoughts in the mind of the character are presented. “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf is one example.


Renaissance is a French word means rebirth. It is a literary movement of fourteenth century to sixteenth century the revival of literature takes place in this period. The Renaissance writers are Shakespeare, Christopher Marlow etc.


Gothic Novel is one type of novel. In this type the cruel passions and supernatural terror is presented. Example: Monastery or Haunted Castle etc.


Metaphysical poetry is a highly intellectualized poetry with the use of wit, imagery, conceits and paradox etc. It is obscure and rigid. For example: “John Donne’s poetry”

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